Monday, March 23, 2015


It has been raining for a month. All of our rivers have frothed beyond their banks. Today, there was sun. Beautiful, glorious sun. We're finally tasting Spring. These are only weeds from my soaked and saturated yard. This lovely Spring sunshine won't last the week. But for now, on this island of sunshine in an otherwise long and dreary (and very wet) winter, it is enough.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015



I feel like I'm being bashed over the head with this concept lately. At the beginning of the year, I expressed my desire to live in the here and now – essentially, to be content. Last week, I came to some pretty harsh/beautiful conclusions regarding my compulsion to plan for the worst, the faithlessness that displayed, how hope is the remedy, and contentedness is the evidence. This week, my pastor has discussed contentment in church and both a friend of mine, and a total stranger whose blog/life I follow (because yes, I am a Creeper - capital “C”) have written about contentment. It makes me wonder if this is to be my lesson for this year.

Saturday, March 14, 2015


So far, I do not have botulism.
But let me tell you, if this sweet, creamy deliciousness is hiding death between its silky folds, then it can have me. I'll come willingly. Just let me have some more, please.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Fair warning

I've been on the Internet again. It almost has me convinced I might be capable of making yoghurt at home without dying from botulism. Now would be a fabulous time for someone with sense to talk some into me...

Monday, March 9, 2015


“I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil … I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name’s sake, and you have not grown weary. But I have this against you; that you have abandoned the love you had at first … repent.” Revelation 2:2-5
He sees my struggle. He sees my work for Him, the commands I work to follow, the obedience I work to carry out. He sees that I am a good girl. But He holds against me that maybe I am a good girl for the wrong reasons. When I first knew Him, I did these things out of love for Him, in awe and in passion to follow Him. Now, I do things out of duty; because I am supposed to; because it makes people think well of me; to fit into a community that is doing the same things – for whatever reasons.
“Repent,” He says.
“Remember from where you have fallen.”
“Turn back to me,” He pleads.

Remember the beginning and why you did what you did; turn back to those motives, for they are good.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Orleans

Beignet dust. Mmmm...
This city is just fabulous. I wish we had more excuse to make such a long drive if they always ended with thrilling nightlife, raucous celebrations, and sweet, delicious, hot beignets from one of the most famous pastry shop that side of the Mason-Dixon. So worth it. Also, Hubs' pants look like a galaxy. Just sayin.