Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Five Years

Five years ago this week, my husband chased me to the fair.

I had put together a group of friends to go to the fair in the next town over and, since he was a friend of one of my roommates and we'd all been hanging out fairly regularly, I didn't think much of inviting him. If I'm being honest, he was a bit of an afterthought (Sorry, love, but we both know you didn't take it that way). He gleefully accepted the invite and a horde of us carpooled and caravanned, and, once parked, piled out of our cars and set loose our enthusiasm (and pent up finals-rage) on the fairgrounds.

At this point, Jedidiah had been pursuing me for months while I stood by oblivious. I'm beginning to realize what's going on by now, and all my friends are shooting me I-told-you-so looks, while I hang out over by the river in Egypt.

To this day, I don't know if it was a concerted effort - a stratagem against me - but those very same treacherous, conniving, wonderful friends managed to abandon me to Jedidiah at virtually every ride, no matter how I clung to them. To say the least, I was not thrilled with this tactic.

Jedidiah though, seemed to be of the opinion that I was the mastermind behind this strategy, and kept trying to hold my hand. Of course, being my awkward self, I couldn't figure a way to extricate myself from this highly uncomfortable (for me) situation without seeming unbearably rude, so I just, you know, did nothing. My friends laughed.

When he dragged me to the ferris wheel, I was in full-on panic mode. En route, we happened to pass a friend of mine with her husband. They hadn't ridden over with us and so, I was reasonably sure, couldn't possibly be in on the nefarious plan to throw me at the ever-charming Jedidiah. I was desperate and entirely willing to take the gamble that she had somehow been "gotten to." I grabbed her and dragged her and her husband to the giant Wheel of Romance with us, where luck was finally with me. We spent the whole ride catching up, as we hadn't seen each other in quite a while, while the men were forced to make conversation among themselves. SCORE!

After that night, I managed to employ a plethora of ever more creative ways to resist this charming man's advances. I finally succumbed, however accidentally, a month later.

Happiest. Accident. Ever.

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