Friday, August 15, 2014


I had all but forgotten this blog existed. It started out as a class project for credit, then morphed into a thought dump. Now, it seems to have graduated (deteriorated?) into a time capsule.
To look back at some of the madness I had going on ... I'm just so glad I'm not there anymore, and never have to go back.
Oddly enough, the first time I abandoned this blog, back in 2009, was the year I met my husband. I made it out of that darkness of dealing with broken relationships and a very broken me. I had just managed to get my focus back where it belonged and off of just about everything external, when along came the man I would marry. I tried to shut him out at first, because I knew my tendency to get distracted. He was having none of it though. He stuck around, this one. Through it all, I prayed. There was turmoil a'plenty, but most of it was my own doing. I'd developed a wariness not just of men, but of myself around men. And as I poured my frightened, scarred heart out to the only One I knew to be safe, He began nudging me in the direction of that pesky boy who just wouldn't give up.

Sweet mercy, we are young!

It took my husband months to convince me to date him.
It took him a year to convince me he was serious about our relationship.
It took 2 more years for him to convince me to marry him.
And one more year after that before he got me down the aisle.

I maybe took my newly cautious nature a bit far, but I am glad every day of his persistence.

So, life has gone on. There have been graduations, job changes, brand new (and terrifying) career aspirations, moving houses, moving cities, and we're even about to buy a car, which is a whole other terrifying thought. Life has moved on without this little blog, but we'll see if we can remedy that from here on out.

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