Friday, March 28, 2008

My Blogging Habbits...

...are deplorable. I am not a "journal" person. Don't get me wrong, I keep journals. Dozens of them, actually. The reason, however, for my having so many is that people seem to enjoy gifting them to me on every other gift-giving occasion. Each new journal I become possessor of, I do faithfully keep on a (somewhat) regular basis. But inevitably, I tire of writing about my daily life. You see, it's not all that exciting to be me. A notion I am quite aware of as I am, in fact, me. I find it slightly repetitious to write down instances and incidents that I am already privy to, having lived through them earlier in the day. However, for the sake of this blog, I will try ~very~ hard to put aside these thoughts, and update AMAP - as much as possible. I beg you, though, if you don't hear from me for a few days (weeks, months...) at a time, please do not worry. I promise I have continued living. I've simply forgotten to tell you about it.

1 comment:


Hi, Amaris,
Welcome to the world of J210 blogging! Looking forward to reading more in the future.
-- Sallie Rose Hollis aka The Feature Teacher