Friday, March 28, 2008

Descritpions from my Journalism class

Alright avid readers, here is what you've all been waiting for. That's right. I know you've been salivating in anticipation ever since I created my first blog post approximately seven minutes ago. I shall keep you in suspense no longer. Here is post #2: descriptions assigned to my journalism class.


The pockmarked eyes of this shunted specimen stare at me blankly. These eyes will open to reveal new life. A new vegetable will emerge from beneath the caked and cracking skin of this potato like an oasis sprouting from the sands of the sun-kissed Serengeti.

(Note: Yes, the Serengeti is mostly a plains area, but isn't the consonance sublime?)


Discomfort flees at the sight of her. Her T-shirt is faded. Worn out sneakers grace her delicate feet. Her gray sweatpants are just old enough to be perfectly broken in. With her sleep-tousled hair tossed ambiguously into a haphazard ponytail, one could almost imagine her standing in front of her dresser drawers and accepting the first articles of softly threaded clothing that launched themselves in her general direction. She sits, quiet but attentive, and takes notes with her head angled downwards and tipped just slightly to one side. She is an unstudied portrait of nonchalance; a caricature of comfort.


Like so many ants swarming to a honey-covered candy cane, Centennial Plaza at lunch time teems with life. Students once withered by the weighty burdens of class assignments, research, and the ever present bulging backpack, attack life with renewed zeal at the strike of high noon. The savory aroma of freshly filled lunch orders wafts languidly out the cafeteria doors, hovers haltingly overhead, and infiltrates the nostrils of students just released from morning classes. The complementing scents instigate a mass exodus of bodies form outdoors to in, as hungry students search for the source of their salivations.

(admittedly, I got a little carried away with this one...however, I did manage to work "mass exodus" in there. That was really my only purpose...)

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