Thursday, January 1, 2015


It's the start of a new year.  Generally, this is a time to reflect on the year past and make new hopes and dreams for the one upcoming. I feel like 2015 was made for big things. I don't know what they are, though I have some suspicions.

But I think this year, I'd like to try a page from a different book and not look too far forward to the future. I want to focus more on where I am right now and the blessings that sit right in front of me.

For instance: The hubs and I are in a great place right now. Everything isn't perfect - we're still working on paying down student loan debt, still only have one car between us, still renting our home, both because the idea of affording to buy one is currently fairly laughable, and because we don't know where God is ultimately leading us and buying a home would seem to limit our availability to His will. But there is so much more beyond that.

Jedidiah has accepted a job here in town, which means no more commuting 80 minutes a day. What we're saving on gas alone could probably buy us another vehicle. A jalopy, maybe. On that front, we very technically have another vehicle. Jedidiah's parents gifted us with their old car when they bought a new one last year. It doesn't currently run, and so is in the hands of a mechanic (and has been since September), but we have it, and will one day be able to drive it.

Jedidiah's job allows him to have his own store, and to be in charge of his own staff - something he's craved for ages. He's a born manager, that one. And he works 1 mile from my work, which is less than 5 miles from our house. The headache of figuring out travel arrangements for two working adults in two different towns is, at last, over. Hallelujah.

 The house we're renting is beautiful, and perfect for our family as it stands. Should we add any members, things would be a little squished, but we'll cross that bridge should we come to it. We've discovered this pocket of my hometown whose neighborhoods, wide open fields, and school districts we love - something we never expected to find here. It seems less urgent to escape here, nowadays.

All in all, I just feel settled. Content. And I'm so thankful for it. We have so much. It may not seem like it, and some days even we forget it, but it's true. We are so blessed to have what we have. I just want to focus on that, to live in that, instead of wishing for more or better, instead of planning what the next step will be. Yes, we should (and do) have some plan of where we want to go in the coming year, but for once, I don't want it to be all about the plan. I just want to live right here, in the now, grateful for every trial, every lesson that has brought us here. And I want to look forward to the same right now contentment, no matter what our circumstances.

Here's to a new year, lived in the now, filled with contentment, thankful hearts, and a willingness to move.

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