1 John 1:1-4, Paraphrased
The one who has existed from eternity. The one who will exist until eternity. That which was from the beginning. Do not gloss
over, do not underestimate, do not miss the awe of his eternal-ness. He is the
greatest of all things that has ever been, is the greatest of all things that
will ever be. He is life. He holds
life within himself to be given where he chooses. He is life’s master; he alone
holds life’s power.
This power – this formidable and eternal and mind-bending
being – he came to us. We saw him. We
heard him speak. We touched him. He was – and is – fully real
by every physical standard that proves you or I as real. We who saw, heard, and
touched him stand as evidence of his realness.
We who have seen, heard, and touched him stand before you as
real as he was – is – and we announce publicly what we have seen and head and
touched. We tell you of his eternal-ness and his realness that we have
witnessed first-hand because we want you to be on this level with us. We want
you to experience, vicariously through us, the awe and the humility of his
eternal divinity humbling himself down to realness for us, to save us.